Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Time flies whether we like it or not

Guess I'm feeling melancholic (again!). For people who don't know or are deluded by my appearance, I'm actually a very depressed person who lives life just because I'm alive. I look upon death as an excuse for a perpetual sleep and I do not believe in heaven nor hell; either place doesn't seem to be inviting anyway.

But before you scramble to get me that SOS number - Don't worry, I still haven't found the courage to take that step. Probably because I'm a curious person, and I would like to see what it'll be like in future. But then again, people say curiosity kills the cat right?

Anyway, it's been a while since I've updated my blog, simply due to the fact that I'm so bogged down by work that I can't seem to do anything else. Time flies (Very fast) and it just makes old memories seem like they didn't happen at all. It's nearing April 16.. Sigh.. Please don't ask what the date is all about. ANYWAY, my work piles up into disgusting piles of paper so messy that I won't be surprised if I were to find a dead cockroach within. No one seems to realise that I'm not coping, my work quality is declining, my mood is like shit. Or is that called indifference? Or am I just a sitting dumbass duck? (with many arrows on my back)

As of now, my head is throbbing with the sheer pressure of not being able to finish my work on time. Especially since my Lasik operation is scheduled on Friday (finally!!!! I can throw my Gucci specs away - But that's another story) and I'll be away on so-called medical leave. I do not want to disappoint my clients, neither do I want to kill my own creativity and work ethics by not delivering on time. Knn. Life sux, more than my Osim i-ecologi does.


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